Green Elms Medical Centre

19 reviews

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32 Crossways
CO15 2NB

01255 207660

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19 reviews from the local community

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#N/A of 227 GPs services in Essex

Terrible Excellent
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Overall Rating*: (Terrible to Excellent) Terrible Excellent

Staff (Terrible to Excellent) Terrible Excellent

Facilities/environment (Terrible to Excellent) Terrible Excellent

Treatment and care (Terrible to Excellent) Terrible Excellent

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Green Elms Medical Centre Feedback

  1. Doctor couldn't be bothered

    Lost my medication on the bus, explained to the surgery got told by a female doctor to take over the counter medication untill next prescription…
    For years this surgery has gone down hill can’t be bothered is now their attitude…

  2. Only been a patient since April 2023

    I agree that the phone on the day is sometimes a nuisance but on the few occasions that I have needed an appointment I have mostly got through on the phone & waited for a clinician to call me back & have had an appointment arranged for that day. The only difficulty that I’ve had is having to phone for an appt to speak to a clinician to get an item issued on prescription that I’ve had before & issued from this surgery for an as & when usage that wasn’t on repeat. Waited until nearly 4 o’clock for Dr ***** to phone me & she didn’t really ask very much & said it was ok to have the
    cream. This really seemed to have been a waste of both mine & hers time.

  3. What a disgraceful service

    Waited 55 min on phone to get through to be told no appointments left . No wonder our hospitals are over worked

  4. Disgraceful

    Can’t get an appointment but then they know this it’s been going on far too long!

  5. Excellent care and attention when needed.

    Yes, I had a long wait to get through to advisor but, most surgeries are the same, so we should consider this normal. Advisor was very good and fully understood my problem.

  6. Can't make an appointment!!

    When you try to ring this surgery you are on hold for at least 10 minutes trying to get through, even at off peak times. When/if you do finally get through you can’t make an appointment with a doctor in advance because their books are closed! Which means you have to ring on the day you want the appointment from 8am where you will probably spend about 30 minutes trying to get through again. By the time you get through there aren’t any appointments left. Extremely bad service that I was optimistic would get better at the beginning of the year, but instead has got worse. You can’t even go into reception to book an appointment because reception can no longer book them, even though my situation was an on going thing with the doctor.

  7. Sorry but can’t rate them at all

    Was made to take our relative who is suffering from lung cancer and copd to the surgery very ill with a chest infection down to the surgery it took most of the morning to finally get through to be told that because it wasn’t on record that she was housebound we would have to take her there she could barley breathe let alone walk so congratulations she is now worse probably having to mix with all the germs in the waiting room when she is already so vulnerable

  8. The new hub phone service is rediculous

    It takes around 1 hour before you actually get to speak to a person and then you are told all appointments for the day have gone and the time is only around 9am this is the worst service I have ever experienced and needs to be dealt with

  9. E Mail. from Colchester Hospital sent.

    Thursday 13th Dec. have an infection. need Anti Bio tics Green elms are saying they haven’t received it. Nurse at Colchester said she def sent it. she has a receipt was told by reception. that secretaries at the hub deal with e mails. (that’s about right) My Husband was round Green Elms for over and hour Thursday trying to track down the e mail. that was sent. and he isn’t a well Man. we don’t want all the aggro at our time of life .This year my husbands nuclear test results went missing was told at BOTH surgeries they must be stuck in the hub along with *thousands* of other letters. Like Oct when I requested house visit from Dr. E, M sent. was told *it didn’t go anywhere *.so had to ring 111 on a Saturday morning ambulance sent. also Out of Hours doctor what a waste of money . a not fit for purpose System. yes I agree Dr said see me in 3 weeks time. asked for slip of paper stating this as No way was I ringing the hub took me *two* hours to get through last time . reception said Dr Appointments are blocked for the next 3 weeks. sent Dr an email. and he released an appointment. .got to say this who wants to be hanging on the phone for 2 hours when you are feeling so ill .there is always lots of people waiting at the desk . and one person. taking all the flack 257 patients didn’t turn up for appointments in November well who in there right mind is going to be hanging on the phone for hours *trying* to cancel. ACE re]aren’t delivering the quality care like we *used* to have. one question* is it all about money

  10. Extremely poor service

    The newly appointed appointment system deters patients from making appointments because of the waiting in line process, call centre staff find it difficult to help patients because there are not enough appointment slots available, doctors are blocking large blocks of hours off at short notice. The repeat prescription system has deteriorated since the new system was installed. In my view we are waiting for something tragic to happen before a change will be made.

  11. hard to get the phone answered ,poor service

    took 10 weeks to trace x ray result ,when traced was told to make drs appointment ,when i saw dr was told nothing wrong and was questioned as to why i had wanted to see dr

  12. Appalling service through ACE booking system.

    Every time I try to get an appointment (even when the surgery have requested that I do so) I spend ages on the phone (usually 40-50 minutes and sometimes longer – who gets the money from that wait as I am charged?). And even when I get through, I rarely get an appointment at a time to suit me, I have to work around the surgery. The reception is always jammed with people so it’s no good actually going to the surgery as it’s usually 10 deep with people who haven’t received prescriptions and various other complaints. Why there hasn’t been a riot I don’t know and the receptionist (yes, only 1) is being bombarded constantly so they’ve given up caring as well.

  13. Text

    It takes so OMG to get through on the phone. Sometimes up to an hour. You have to make appts on the phone first thing in the morning. Sometimes by the time you get through all the appts are gone. How can you do this when you start work early or you’re really ill? Disgusting. I think people will start calling ambulances in stead and that will just put a strain on them. PLEASE let it go back to how it was before.

  14. Phone line

    Have been trying to get an appointment for weeks and no joy getting through ! I work full time so can’t ring all day ! System is the worst it’s been – and I’m
    Not a regular at the doctors either

  15. Twice now i have been given the wrong tabletse

    I had to have a tablet review …waited 5 weeks for an oppintment ….then when i went into the doctors room , i was told she could not write my percription as she was not a doctor, she was a pharmasiste … i had to waite another 5 weeks to see a real doctor ….This used to be such a lovely surgery before ACE took over

  16. Absolutely diabolical service

    They seem to have a agenda to fail!
    You can’t get an appointment through that ridiculous phone system . When you do after 140 attempts you get through to no appointments!!!! Please ring back tomorrow “are these people having a laugh” nobody care anymore.

  17. Phone line not answered.

    Since this practice was handed over to ACE, the care to patients has plummeted to ZERO.
    An appointment can only be made by telephone at the patients expense, if you go to the surgery to apply for an appointment you are turned away, the.receptionist are not allowed to give out appointments and although have some have sypathetically helped out they can face a telling off or worse a disciplinary.
    I tried to get an appointment for my wife to get an unusual blemish that was growing on her breast, I called 121 times and only ever got an engaged tone, I did go to the surgery and showed the receptionist my call list and explained the reason for an appointment, the receptionist apologised saying that this is happening all the time. The receptionist phoned a female doctor and agreed that my wife needed examining as soon as possible and gave us an appointment later that day and my wife was given a referal to colchester hospital which thankfully had a good outcome.
    On another occasion my wife was suffering from urine retention while at work on a Thursday and called me to pick her up from work as she was unwell. I picked my wife up brought her home and phoned the surgery at about 13-15 after getting through and explaining about my wife’s extreme discomfort we was told that an appointment would be made for next Monday, I asked if the operator understood the nature of the problem and was told to hang on, the operator came back on the line to say that an appointment was being sought at clacton walk in center and they would call back. After half an hour we decided to take ourselves to the walk in center. On arriving we was told that the problem my wife had would have to be dealt with at Colchester general hospital and that the walk in center would have told green elms surgery that fact but that a doctor would see my wife anyway and did not turn us away. After a short time my wife was becoming increasingly uncomfortable and we made the decision to ask reception if we could make our own way to colchester hospital and was advised that was the best thing to do. We made our way to colchester general a & e and by now my wife was passing neat blood instead of urine and was really feeling ill. While my wife was being examined at about 17-45 that evening the green elms surgery called to say that a doctor would see her now if we could get to the surgery, I explained that my wife was undergoing treatment at Colchester a& e and the receptionist at green elms seemed a bit peeved that we had made our way eventually to colchester general. There a lot of horror stories on our local Facebook page about the way ACE have been treating patients in our area, complaints to our MP have fallen on deaf ears and I have only just heard of your website to log complaints. Please help us out, I know it is jaywick where we live and we do not have a great reputation down here but the the most vunerable people of our community are really suffering as are the remainder of the staff at green elms who been left all alone to take the frustrations of the patients.

  18. Since the new system ACE put in where you

    have to ring the *hub* to TRY and make an appointment its shocking. there was one time its took me nearly 2 hours to get through engaged signal going in your ear for an hour then the operator telling you call will be responded in *fifty* minutes then when you get through all appointments have gone. a lady on the desk said that its says on the board at the hub calls are being responded to in ten Minutes what joke and porkies being told. went to GE. yesterday 10th Dec. and it came up on the board 257 patients didn’t turn up for appointments well they aren’t are they if they cant get through to cancel they even lost my husbands nuclear test results in March. we had a meeting in the summer at Golf Green Hall ACE was there but they wouldn’t listen what a waste of time going and a not fit for purpose system. No care any longer all about money

  19. telephone booking is not fit for purpose

    I am hard of hearing with their system there is no textphone. when you are trying to make an appt it is a nightmare. if you do make contact be prepared for blatant lies, this makes older people give up and adds to their problems. it displays how many people didn’t attend their appt. they should display how many people failed to make an appt and how much money it has cost