Women’s experiences living with multiple long-term conditions

Are you a woman living with two or more long-term conditions in Essex? If so, we would like to talk to you. Here, our Research Officer Lorna Orriss-Dib shares details of her brand-new project and why it’s important, and introduces our upcoming seminar series, featuring exciting guest speakers.

Over 14 million people in England are currently living with two or more long-term health conditions. Long-term conditions include physical conditions such as asthma, mental health conditions including schizophrenia, sensory impairments, and symptoms such as ongoing pain and substance misuse brought on by addiction. Long-term conditions are more prevalent among women compared to men, and there has recently been an increase in the number of working-age people diagnosed with multiple long-term conditions.

Lorna’s research will explore women’s experiences living with multiple long-term conditions and is open to anyone who:

  • Identifies as a woman.
  • Has 2 or more long-term conditions.
  • Is aged 18+.

By hearing people’s experiences at different ages and with a range of different conditions, the project aims to understand what it is like to access care across multiple specialties, how women manage their conditions in daily life and how early experiences with services can influence future engagement. Lorna is particularly interested in hearing from those who have experienced pregnancy alongside their conditions, those who provide care, and those who may be employed on a temporary or zero hours basis.

“It is important to hear the widest range of experiences. Typically, it is women who are providing most of the support and unpaid care, whether it is for parents, children, or extended family”, Lorna said. “How do you juggle the needs of your family alongside your own health needs? What is it like to use maternity services when you have pre-existing conditions? What could service providers improve for those accessing care, regardless of what type of condition they have? These are just some of the areas we want to better understand. Previous research has focused on single conditions or particular specialties, but we know that for most people, they are not diagnosed with a single condition”.

If you are interested in taking part in this project, or would like further information, please do get in touch with Lorna via her contact details below. Participants will receive a £50 Amazon voucher as a thank you for taking part.

For anyone interested in participating in the study, please contact Lorna via email:

[email protected]

Phone or message: 07568129742

Seminar Series

As well as the research project, there will be four online seminars with a range of guest speakers. This series will mark the launch of our project findings and showcase the work of other academics, whose research highlights the range of determinants and facets of women’s health and long-term condition management.

6th February 2025 at 12:30 –  Dr Stephanie Hanley

Dr Hanley, a Research Fellow at the University of Birmingham, will be speaking about her work with the MuM-PreDiCT  project, a study which explored the pregnancy and postpartum experiences of those with multiple long-term conditions.


17th April 2025 at 13:00 – Dr Katherine Deane

Dr Deane is an Associate Professor at the University of East Anglia and will be speaking about her work around medication adherence and how individuals with long term conditions can use this skill to enhance wellbeing.


5th June 2025 at 13:00 – Dr Amy Greer Murphy

Dr Greer Murphy, a freelance social researcher, will be speaking about her work examining the experiences of mothers in Stockton-on-Tees in an age of austerity, and the impact of austerity on health inequalities.


21st August 2025 at 12:00 – Lorna Orriss-Dib

Lorna Orriss-Dib, one of our Healthwatch Essex Research Officers, will be speaking about findings from her project and launching the online report.



Anyone working in organisations and community groups supporting women and their families can register to attend. Members of the public who have an interest in women’s health can also attend. Links to register via Eventbrite are here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/womens-health-a-healthwatch-essex-seminar-series-tickets-1122803959869?aff=oddtdtcreator