Healthwatch Essex is excited to release our latest project, a video exploring the transition process between child to adult mental health services.
When a child using mental health services turns 18, they are required to transition over to adult mental health services, and our Young Mental Health Ambassadors (YMHAs) have provided feedback that there is some uncertainty regarding what this process involves.
Therefore, we created this video in collaboration with our YMHAs and Claire Lethbridge, a progressions service therapist from Polaris, to explain some of the key questions our ambassadors had. These included:
- What is the difference between adult and child services?
- Who will know that I am coming to adult services?
- How would the treatment differ from child services?
Renee Robey, our Engagement Officer, helps to run our YMHA group and was one of the driving forces behind creating this video. When talking about the video, she said:
“Thank you to Aimee (Young Mental Health Ambassador) and Claire for their support and for volunteering their time to record this video to minimise anxiety for young people who may be accessing the Progressions Service for the first time.
Thank you also to our other Young Mental Health Ambassadors for their support in shaping the video. We hope that by viewing this video, young people will feel empowered and confident accessing this service to support their mental health.”
The video can be viewed below.