Research Project Outline

Research Project Outline

This template is intended to capture initial project ideas to share with the SMT team. As this is not the full project proposal, it does not require lots of text.

This does not need to be the final name as it is just for internal use.
Who will be the project lead?
What is the project topic? Provide a couple of sentences to explain.
What data do we have to suggest this is necessary?Consider existing sources of data.What do local stakeholders have to say about this topic?How has the Healthwatch Essex strategy been considered?How will this project contribute to existing academic and policy discussions on this topic? What impact does this project seek to achieve?
Where in Essex will this project seek to cover?What type of organisations/settings will be involved? (Consider stakeholder map)Will the organisations that you choose to work with influence the kind of ethical approval you need to obtain?
What methodologies will you need to employ to conduct this research?What implications will these methodologies have for the kind of ethical approval you will need to obtain?
What period of time might this project take?Does it tie in with other stakeholders workstreams or policy reviews? (Consider key milestones)