Mid Essex

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Mid & South Essex

Healthwatch Essex Information Service helps people across the county understand and access health and social care services.

Below is a summary of the top ten topics raised by callers from October – December 2024 in the Mid and South Essex Integrated Care System. For more details, please get in touch with the Information Service: call 0300 500 1895, text 07712395398 or email [email protected].

GP Complaints
Hospital Complaints
Hospital Discharge
Mental Health
Children & Young People Support
Alzheimer’s & Dementia
Elderly Support
Social Care Complaints
Housing & Homelessness

‘I would like to make a complaint and see if I may be eligible for compensation as I believe my mental health medication has left me with a weak heart, as diagnosed and supported by an NHS cardiology doctor.  I would like to know why I was left on this drug for so long - 20 years - when it could create serious problems for my heart, which it has. I want the medication reduced and stopped now as quickly as possible.’

Mid and South Essex Caller

‘I am really concerned for my mum as she has a DNR (do not resuscitate) on her records which neither my mum nor the family knew anything about. We do not want this actioned if anything happens to mum, who has been in hospital but is now home waiting for a hip operation so is currently bed bound. We are in the process of gaining POA (Power of Attorney) but worried about this DNR.’

Mid and South Essex Caller

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