Help build a world-leading children’s hospital for the East of England

Plans to build the East of England’s first ever children’s hospital are gathering pace. It’s now vital that young people, carers, families and community groups from across the region get involved in its development.


The East of England is the only region in the UK without a children’s hospital. Whilst this new world-leading facility will be built in Cambridge, it will serve generations of children, young people and families from Cambridgeshire, Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire – and beyond.


Cambridge Children’s will be so much more than a hospital. It will be a whole new way of caring for children and young people, supporting all their needs, making no distinction between their mental and physical health. The ambition is to bring together experts in understanding the whole child. There is no greater expert than a young person who has needed the support of health services. Cambridge Children’s want to find out what’s important to young people, their families and carers.


Using the latest research and technology, Cambridge Children’s will aim to deliver the best care, as close to home, school and friends, as possible. Within the heart of the hospital, a ground-breaking research institute will transform the understanding of children and young people’s health, from before birth, from diagnosis to treatment and recovery.

Cambridge Children’s Project Director, Alex White, said: “We need you to help create a hospital which will provide excellent care for generations of children and young people from the East of England and further afield. If you are a young person, or carer of a child who has needed mental health or physical health support, we really want to hear from you. Your ideas and experience are so important to help us get this hospital right.”


There are many ways to be involved, from filling in short surveys to taking on leading roles on parts of the project. It’s totally up to you how much time you give. You will be paid for taking part in more detailed work.


You can read more about Cambridge Children’s hospital here. It’s really easy to join the Cambridge Children’s Network. If you’re a young person, aged 14-25, fill in this short form. If you’re a parent or carer, fill in this one.


Cambridge Children’s Hospital is a collaboration between Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust and the University of Cambridge. You can find the project on Twitter @CambChildrens.