At Healthwatch Essex we work hard to capture your experiences of health and social care, to help shape change and improvement. This year has been an unusual one, stopping us from being face-to-face with the public in many of the ways we are used to, but it has remained important to us to continue to capture what life has been like for people across Essex.

Sam with her guide dog Winston
Through surveys we have helped to understand how services have changed for you, what has been positive about those changes and the things that have become more challenging. We have also been capturing video calls in our project called ‘Zooming in the Pandemic’ to understand in a more qualitative way, what life has been like for people in the county.

Essex & Herts Air Ambulance during the pandemic
Today we are launching nine of these films, which focus on individuals from a wide range of backgrounds, from Laurie who has been flying with the Essex & Herts Air Ambulance during the pandemic, through to Sam who is blind and has been living in a hotel while attempting to shield throughout the pandemic. They cover topics as diverse at young people’s mental health, homelessness, bereavement, brain injury, refugees and veterans.
The full range of films can be accessed here and give a unique insight into life at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic in Essex.