Annual Report 2023/24

Read about what we have been up to from April 2023 to March 2024.

Supporting Partnerships

This report explores hospital staffs’ experiences of participatory service improvement methods (co-production).

Digitally Accessing Information About CYP Mental Health

Discussions were held with the Young Mental Health Ambassadors to discuss how best to engage with young people. It was decided collectively that we would co-produce a survey to collect the views of the Ambassadors and their peers.

Healthwatch Essex Trauma Card Pilot Evaluation

Healthwatch Essex in collaboration with the University of Essex have conducted a pilot study of the Trauma Card’s effectiveness, drawing on feedback from both Trauma Card users and the professionals they have shared the card with.

Exploring Hospital Discharge at Princess Alexandra Hospital

This report explores experiences of hospital discharge at Princess Alexandra Hospital in West Essex.

Experiences of Living with Diabetes in West Essex

Delivered on behalf of Hertfordshire and West Essex Integrated Care System, this report explores experiences of Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes in West Essex.

Experiences in West Essex of the Menopause and Perimenopause

Delivered on behalf of Hertfordshire and West Essex Integrated Care System, this report explores the experiences of people in West Essex in relation to menopause and perimenopause.

Children and young people’s asthma support

In collaboration with Healthwatch Suffolk, this report explores children and young people’s experiences of local asthma support in Suffolk and North East Essex.

IBD and Pregnancy

This report explores experiences of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) before, during and after pregnancy.

Experiences of Cervical Screening in West Essex

This latest report, commissioned by Hertfordshire and West Essex ICB, aims to gather people’s lived experience of accessing and using the
cervical screening programme across West Essex.

Neurodiversity & Accessing Health and Care

This report, commissioned by Hertfordshire and West Essex ICB, looks into the relationship between the NHS in West Essex and its neurodiverse population, their carers and families.

Community Asset Mapping: Be Well

This latest report, commissioned by the North East Essex Health and Wellbeing Alliance, aims to highlight the strength of the community through the numerous assets found across six neighbourhoods in Tendring and Colchester.

Community Asset Mapping: Age Well

This North East Essex Health and Wellbeing Alliance report explores assets relating to ageing well in Colchester and Tendring in collaboration with C360 and CVST.

Hidden Homeless

The first report in a series looking a Hidden Homeless in Essex. This report explores the health, care and wellbeing needs of prisoners, prison leavers and ex-offenders.

Annual Report 2022/23

Read about what we have been up to from April 2022 to March 2023.

Experiences of accessing treatment and support for COPD and other respiratory conditions in West Essex

This report has been designed to draw out the lived experience of our local population to identify real world issues, successes, and challenges in relation to accessing support for COPD and respiratory conditions in West Essex.

Healthwatch Essex Strategic Plan 2024-2027
An Insight Into Health and Care Access, Including Self-Care, for Adults with a Learning Disability

The aim of this project was to gather people’s experiences of accessing and using primary care across West Essex, in particular focussing on the experience of  adults with Learning Disabilities and their carers/families and support workers.

The health and wellbeing effects of living with mould in North East Essex

This report explores the experiences of people living with mould in North East Essex.

Experiences of Dermatology Services in North East Essex

This report explores the experiences of people using the dermatology service in North East Essex.

Happiness, Heartbreak & Hope: Experiences of Fertility in Essex

This book explores a wide variety of experiences around fertility and baby loss.


Community Asset Mapping: Stay Well

This North East Essex Health and Wellbeing Alliance report explores assets relating to staying well in Colchester and Tendring in collaboration with C360 and CVST.

Positive and negative experiences of mental health from a service user’s/lived experience perspective

Healthwatch Essex Research Ambassador, Ben Gray, explores lived experience of mental health in this academic article published in the Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing.

Experiences of Community Pharmacies in West Essex

The aim of this report was to explore people’s experiences of accessing community pharmacies in West Essex in order to inform the Hertfordshire and West Essex Integrated Care System.

Support and help for people who care for others in West Essex

Through this report, Healthwatch Essex aimed to voice the lived experiences of carers in West Essex, to highlight their support needs, and allow comparison to be made between those needs and what is being delivered through the ICS.

Valued tactics: Men’s reframing of participation in football-based weight management programmes as a working utopia of collective action

Our Research Team explore men’s health, obesity and weight management in this academic article published in SSM – Qualitative Research in Health.

Community Asset Mapping: Die Well

This North East Essex Health and Wellbeing Alliance report explores assets relating to end of life care in Colchester and Tendring in collaboration with C360 and CVST.

Accessing GP Services in Harlow and Uttlesford

This report explores people’s experiences of accessing GP services in Harlow and Uttlesford between August and November 2022.

Experience of Elective Care Waiting Times in North East Essex

Following the pandemic, we explored the impact that waiting times have physically and emotionally, not just for the patient, but for family and friends as well.

Experiences in North East Essex of The Menopause and Perimenopause

This report was designed to canvas the experiences of people living in North East Essex in relation to menopause and perimenopause to help improve service provision.

Access to GP Services for Children and Young People in West Essex

This report aims to capture the thoughts, emotions and lived experience of people trying to access GP services on behalf of children and young people within West Essex.

Young Mental Health Ambassadors Discussions: Body Image

This report discusses what our Young Mental Health Ambassadors (YMHA) and other young people think about body image.

Community Asset Mapping: Feel Well – Mental Health

This North East Essex Health and Wellbeing Alliance report explores assets relating to mental health in Colchester and Tendring in collaboration with C360 and CVST.

Annual Report 2021/22

Read about all of our activities throughout 2021 into early 2022.

Pathways to Meaningful Lives

This report explores the experiences of employment of adults with Learning Disabilities.


Middle-aged Men’s Experiences of Mental Health and Suicide

This report explores middle-aged men’s experiences of mental health and suicide.

The Transition From Child To Adult Services

This report explores experiences of the transition from child to adult health, care and wellbeing services in North East Essex.

Do I Want To See A GP?

This report explores experiences of GP services in North East Essex.

Addiction: Gambling, Drugs & Alcohol

This report explores experiences of addiction, including the support available and barriers to seeking support.

Lived Experience Research: A Guide to Barriers and Facilitators From a Service User’s Perspective

Healthwatch Essex Research Ambassador, Ben Gray, explores his lived experience of Schizophrenia in an academic article published in the Schizophrenia Bulletin.

Understanding Inequalities Co-Designing accessibility to health services in Mid and South Essex

Report examining outputs from LD patient, carer and staff Co-Design Event.

Community Asset Mapping: Start Well – Children, Young People and Families

This North East Essex Health and Wellbeing Alliance report explores assets relating to children’s wellbeing in Colchester and Tendring in collaboration with C360 and CVST.

Living with Obesity

The first output of our research on the experiences of men living with obesity in the East of England.

Healthwatch Essex Annual Report 2020/21

Read all about our activities and the impact that we had throughout 2020/21.

What Matters to Veterans?

This report explores the experiences of veterans in Essex and highlights a number of challenges they face when transitioning from military to civilian life.

‘Victims, Perpetrators and Witnesses’: Tackling child criminal exploitation in Essex

This report explores child criminal exploitation in Essex, through a series of conversations with children and young people affected by or identified as being at risk of CCE and professionals with experience of working to tackle CCE.

Mental Health on the Frontline

This report explores the reality of life on the frontline for our hospital and emergency services workers, focusing on their experiences of mental health and the support provided.

Healthwatch Essex Annual Report 2019/20

Read all about our activities and the impact that we had throughout 2019/20.

Healthwatch Essex Strategic Plan 2020-2023
555 Making Safeguarding Personal

Healthwatch Essex’s award-winning ‘555’ model of engagement, reveals the challenges of protecting adults at risk in Essex.

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