Healthwatch Essex to host ‘Fella’s Fair’

We’re delighted to share that Healthwatch Essex will be hosting, in partnership with Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust, a men’s health and wellbeing event with a wide range of opportunity to people to engage about the topics which matter most to them.

The ‘Fella’s Fair’ will take place at 6pm on Tuesday 11th July 2023 at Heybridge Swifts Football Club.  It is a free event which will provide an opportunity for people to network, take away information on men’s health and wellbeing and listen to real life stories before the pre-season match night.

Information and signposting will be provided by a wide range of organisations including men’s health and wellbeing charities, cancer screening, health checks, addiction and recovery services, armed forces and veteran services, mental health services, weight management services and much more!

Dan Potts, Engagement Manager at Healthwatch Essex, said: “We are hoping that this event attracts men from all walks of life. It’s a demographic which some services have struggled to reach and, with suicide in men rising at alarming rates in Essex, we feel its long overdue to start talking about men’s health and wellbeing.

“Events like these will encourage conversations, allow for networking opportunities, raise awareness of this topic and provide information for those that need  it. We hope the event goes some way to encouraging people to speak more freely about men’s health and wellbeing without fear of stigma or prejudice.”

If you are interested in attending as a stall holder, please confirm your attendance here.

The full address of the event is:

Heybridge Swifts Football Club

The Aspen Waite Arena

Scraley Road

