Share your views on disability to help shape local services

Do you have a disability? Become a Forum Member to help shape local services by sharing your views with us.

Over the next 3 years, we are working with Essex County Council to deliver a new model of service improvement, representing adults with disabilities by using lived experience more effectively.

Feeding into council plans, we are developing a Forum, which will consist of volunteers and Essex County Council staff. We are passionate about collaboration and ensuring that citizen voices and lived experience is at the heart of everything we do.

Member Role

By being a member of this forum, you will have the opportunity to have your voice heard at a senior level within Essex County Council, in the forward planning of co-production activities and council long-term agendas. Your role will involve:

  • Attendance at quarterly forum meetings
  • Participation in co-production activities to help understand the needs of people living with a disability
  • Use your social networks to capture the views of others, to feed into the forum

For more details, please contact our Volunteer & Engagement Officer, Dan Potts via email or call on 01376 572 829.